web paige

Site under construction 🔨

Oh um, hey! Thanks for stopping by!

I'm sorry to say that I'm still working on the basics of this site before I confidently begin writing here... everything should be good very soon though, so keep an ear open! I plan on maintaining a blog-style site here, mostly writing at my whims about my interests and maybe some life stuff too. It's hard to say because none of it has happened yet, but in any case I'm excited! But for now I'm just putting it all together; making the non-blog pages, infinitely fiddling with CSS,

paige@html ~ $ working on monospace stuff too...
( working on monospace stuff too... )
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If it's any consolation, you're not missing anything. In any case, I should probably get back to work now, I'll see you when it's all prepared!! 😅👍

© paige 2022, hosted on neocities

This website and its contents are licensed under the Creative Commons ShareAlike 4.0 International license.